Project Euler Problem 109


In a game of darts:

How many distinct ways can a player checkout with a score less than 100?


The solution is straight-forward, for each value:

  1. Check if you can checkout with a double.
  2. With all values of dart throws possibles less than the value, see if you can checkout with a double.
  3. For all two-throw combinations where the first is lower or equal the second throw check if the remainder can be checked-out with a double.

The python code for this:

limit = 100
doubles = set(2 * x for x in range(1, 21))
casual = sorted([x for x in range(1,21)] + [2 * x for x in range(1, 21)] + [3 * x for x in range(1, 21)] + [25] + [50])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    result = 0
    for score in range(2, limit):
        if score in doubles:
            result += 1
        for first in casual:
            if first >= score:
            result += (score - first) in doubles and 1 or 0
        first = 0
        while first < len(casual) and casual[first] * 2 < score:
            remain = score - casual[first]
            second = first
            while second < len(casual) and casual[second] < remain:
                result += (remain - casual[second]) in doubles and 1 or 0
                second += 1
            first += 1
    print("The result is:", result)

The Haskell code for this is:

import Data.List

limit = 99

doubles = [2 * i | i <- [1..20]] ++ [50]
ordinary = sort ([1..20] ++ doubles ++ [3 * i | i <- [1..20]] ++ [25])

solve n sum | n == 1 = sum
            | n > 1 = solve (n - 1) (sum + n_res)
                    one_dart = if n `elem` doubles then 1 else 0
                    two_dart = length (filter (\x -> x `elem` doubles) (map (n -) (filter (< n) ordinary)))
                    three_dart = length (filter (\x -> x `elem` doubles) remains)
                            remains = map (n - ) pair_sums
                            pair_sums = [(ordinary !! x) + (ordinary !! y) | x <- [0..ord_size], y <- [0..ord_size], x <= y]
                                    ord_size = (length ordinary) - 1
                    n_res = one_dart + two_dart + three_dart

main = print (solve limit 0)

The Python and Haskell files are available for download: and problem109.hs.

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